I went to art college in 1980 for 3 years and than again in 1987. Between 1985 and 1990 I did two other courses. I’ve been classified as mentally ill since 1985. I like colours and lines. I like doing portraits but I find it frustrating to make them satisfactory, so I prefer to make them abstract. I have a fixation with art, which goes hand in hand with not wanting to know about life. It’s boring if you’re not doing something and art fills that void. I’ve recently got more into colours and design, taking a freer and more positive approach with any mediums and forms of art, sculpture etc, and trying to find more sanity and happiness in pictures for gallery spaces or on the wall in people’s houses. I have also recently decided to keep more of my paintings and sculptures to use as an inspiration and record for myself. Art fascinates me. I enjoy going around galleries.