Denise Spooner

I was always interested in art as a child.   When I was 16 years old, after suffering with depression for a few years, I started to take up watercolour painting where I learnt techniques and ideas from learn to paint books. I had one of my pictures in an Art Exhibition at Hall Place. I did not sell it, but I was really proud to have it there. After a long break from doing art, I returned to it after going through difficult times.  I went to Adult Education classes for three years, learning oil and opaque painting, drawing and pastels. Doing the art took my mind off my problems.  To keep my self-esteem going I joined Centrepieces.  I enjoy going to Centrepieces, it has helped with my confidence as well as mixing and talking to other artists who all have been though depression.  I have always found art a great therapy and relaxation.